November 16, 2012


Sheltering bottoms

Underwear for you and underwear for someone in your hometown!

This November and December, I'll be matching every purchase from my Etsy and shops by sending a  new pair of Upitees to a women's shelter in your hometown/region for every pair you purchase.

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November 09, 2012


Sparking creativity, DIY style!

Are you a crafty person?  Creative?  Sometimes I feel that way, especially when sewing or with textiles, but there are lots of things I feel too scared or clumsy to try. Mallory Paige 

Enter Mallory Paige!

She is the creator of Spark which helps push us past these DIY insecurities (and we'll learn more about that later).  She's also a dear friend and all around fantastic gal.  And she's my first interviewee!  :) But she should be telling you her story :)

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November 06, 2012


CLOSED: Free ftm packing underwear

Looking for a free pair of packing underwear?  You are in the right place!The first ever packing Upitees! | La Vie en Orange A sneak peek at the first ever ftm packing Upitee prototype!
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October 25, 2012


Panty-Powered Rockets

This Underwear of the Month Club launch is panties powered! 
Houston, we have liftoff!  The Underwear of the Month Club launch is off to a raucous start!  I was totally into making ridiculous graphics this week, so here's another: View full article →
October 19, 2012


Not Your Average Granny Panties: A Tale of Custom Underwear

Grammie's Nightgowns

January and Gwen had special plans for Grammie's nightgowns

Have you ever had a good idea, and then someone else piggy backs on it into the stratosphere? Best feeling ever!

I love the nostalgia of making your new favorite underwear out of your old favorite tshirt, but twin sisters Gwen and January reached out with an even more touching and special idea. 

Gwen explains:  "In late July [of 2012] my dearest grandmother ("Grammie" as we called her) passed away. My entire family went up to say our goodbyes and go through all her belongings. We sat in a hotel going through her pants, shirts, and nightgowns crying as we looked at each piece. 

"When my sister picked up one of Grammie's favorite nightgowns and cried because they still smelled like her, I knew we had to hold onto these special pieces of clothing. My sisters and I remembered her wearing these special garments and just could not part with giving all of them to Goodwill. But they were old fashioned nightgowns and not a size that we could wear."Animal print shirts and undies

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October 12, 2012


3, 2, 1, Underwear of the Month Club Launch!

Ohmygosh!  It's here!  The Underwear of the Month Club is officially open and ready to welcome you!

Official Rocket of the Underwear of the Month Club Launch

This here Official Rocket of the Underwear of the Month Club Launch will be gracing the first month's undies. What better way to celebrate a launch? :)

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October 05, 2012


Unofficial rockets of the Underwear of the Month Club launch

NASA's Delta Rocket - Another unofficial rocket of the Underwear of the Month Club Launch

Oh yes, you read that right- unofficial rockets. Because the official rocket is coming soon! The Underwear of the Month Club launch is just 5 days away!

Until then, please enjoy these rockets unaffiliated with the launch! They are lovingly shared via NASA's "Rocket Gallery."

The official rocket of the Underwear of the Month Club launch will be unveiled next week!  :)

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September 28, 2012

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Mentioning Unmentionables: An Underwear of the Month Club Sneak Preview

Undies on a line

Filling clotheslines with undies!

Exciting things always seem to be a afoot these days, but this past week I got one step closer to offering you, Dear Reader, my Underwear of the Month Club. The official launch is set for Tuesday, October 9, and you can hold me to that.  The stars are aligning for it. Until then, I just want to leave you with a few exciting details and some fun photos from this weekend's photo shoot in my friend Mallory's back yard.  Chickens and all!  You'll be seeing some more of these as part of the launch. As a card-carrying Underwear of the Month Club member, here's what you can expect:

  • A card.  For reals.  How else will you be a card-carrying member?  This is legit! :)
  • A new, fabulous pair of underwear in your size every month that you're a member;
  • Limited edition screen prints that won't be available anywhere else;
  • And much more!  :)  Got keep some secrets for the launch!
Until then, stay tuned!  And imagine this clothesline in your backyard.  Doesn't it make your heart happy? xoxo

Underwear and chickens

I introduced the chickens to some undies that had a chicken on them. They weren't impressed, but I'm pretty sure it's only because the undies weren't shiny... Now there's an idea... :)

La Vie en Orange underwear on a clothesline

Until next time!
September 06, 2012


Sweet September Summer

Coming soon- join my Undies of the Month Club and get a fresh pair of skivvies for your underwear drawer monthly :)

Why is Labor Day the unofficial end of summer? I feel like summer just got to Seattle and I sure-as-heck don't want to say good-bye yet! :) It seems like a good time to reflect.

To look forward to what's coming this fall and winter, and looking back on what has happened this summer, underwear-wise :).

Therefore, dear Reader, with many thanks for your devotion, I now share my Super Exciting Fall Preview:

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August 31, 2012



Sometimes mortality is just everywhere you look. 

One of my mentors passed away unexpectedly this week. He and his wife co-owned the Halloween costume factory I worked at for 5 summers during college. He taught me how to calculate product prices and took me to my first trade show. He was the very young grandfather of a good friend in high school, and back then I was scared of him the way that most dads who're men's men are scary when you're in high school. I grew to love and respect and cherish him during our time together, and now I get to miss him and worry about his family and honor his memory. 

Last week, I was asked to honor the memory of a pair of twin sisters' Grammie.  

They approached me to make undies out of her knit nightgowns, and I couldn't have been more touched.  It's the sweetest, most heartbreaking thing I've been asked to do in this business.  I feel privileged and honored to help them celebrate her life and memory.  The nightgowns are adorable:  one is light pink, another light blue paisley and the third is animal print.  I like to picture the woman who used to wear them and imagine how tickled she would be at her granddaughters. 

I'm still lucky enough to be able to call my Granma, so I gave her a ring (totally old school :)) to say hello after I first heard from the sisters. She was happy to hear from me, and started telling me about all the things I'll inherit from her sewing room when she passes. She also let me know she had a bunch of nightgowns she thought would be perfect for underwear someday. (Granma is the reason making underwear is normal in my family, but that's for another post. :)) More often than not these days, she's thinking of things we'll get or how her stuff will take care of us after she goes. It wasn't always this way, but then, she and my Granpa have only recently started to outlive their closest friends.  

Life stages are so much more interesting now that I'm old enough to pay attention (another life stage?!? :)). 

If you have a Granma or a Grammie or a Nana or a mentor or teacher or loved one, maybe you'll drop them a line this week?  

Just to say hello. 

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