Photo Credit: Terry Johnston Photography
That's a wrap! La Vie en Orange is proud to have another Pride season under our belts.
And if you couldn't join us in person, well, it's your lucky day: you'll now find the undies we launched this month in the shop...
Check out the new ladies' here (not for the faint of heart or ...cunt ), new men's here, and our trans options here.
We kicked the season off at Ferndale Pride, had a Kalamazoo Pride sandwich, and finished out with Pride Fest in Chicago. We sheepishly carted our "cunt" undies with us everywhere, unsure whether it was the right first impression, but ultimately deciding that when "cunt" is in a heart on your crotch, it's feminist. :)
Our cunt undies were inspired by a client who ordered her very own custom multi-pack: Cunt 3 ways.
And we also made sure that some less-than-well-meaning users of the word heard about Eve Ensler's "Reclaiming Cunt" from the Vagina Monologues. Have you read Cunt: A Declaration of Independence by Inga Muscio? It's next on our list... :)
Other highlights include some scandalous Top/Bottom undies we debuted in Chicago. Sometimes more is more, right? :)
Other highlights included all the hugs, the drag, and especially our tent neighbors. They were gems at every event, from Transgender Detroit to Campit in Saugatuck and the Surreal Rabbit in Chicago.
All in all, we couldn't have been more pleased to be out and about this month!